Link: The Gaming Media Alliance Now this is an effort I can definitely get behind. The Gaming Media Alliance is a group devoted to communicating gaming news with the mainstream media accurately. Our purpose is if and when some gaming related content hits the mainstream news media, the facts and details are not misconstrued in […]
Nintendo Wii Price Not to Exceed $250
Link: Evil Avatar I’m all for cheap consoles. In fact, not only am I for them, I’m exclusively for them. I have neither the funds nor the time to support expensive habits. I want my entertainment cheap and quick. So hearing that the Wii will not cost more than $250, is good news. Even better […]
The future of the “chat room”
Link: Skypecasts A new update to Skype available today (bringing it up to version 2.5) will introduce a new feature called Skypecasts, which will allow for up to 100 simultaneous connections via a hosted user component. A Skypecast directory is available to allow you to search for discussion topics in which you can join in.