Link: Evil Avatar UPDATE: from a comment in the Evil Avatar thread I linked: For everyone freaking out over there being only 6 launch titles. The list comes from a response to a letter in the pulse section of Nintendo power. Here is the relevant text: "Nintendo hasn't released an official list yet, but the […]
Phil Harrison outlines Sony plans
Link: And he doesn't really do a very convincing job of it. Imagine Gran Turismo shipping on a disc with one car and one track. And then you can browse, online, a dynamic circuit of vehicles that's growing every day because either the car manufacturers are adding new vehicles or we're adding new vehicles. […]
Could the Wii get an IM service called !!M?
Link: IGN Wii Nintendo registered some new trademarks this week, including this interesting name. !!M: Could this be something to do with the messaging service patent? How the heck are we supposed to pronounce that? This rumor is flying around the Nintendo blogosphere with absolutely no information whatsoever to back it up. But it’s a […]
So, Songbird is actually just singing a different tune
Apparently Songbird developers flock to websites whenever their product is mentioned. That’s fine by me. Developer Nivi has commented in my previous post regarding my non-acceptance of the Songbird build: We may be doing a bad job communicating the (eventual) Songbird value proposition. Songbird isn’t supposed to replace your web browser. It is supposed to […]
Bill Gates moves from Microsoft to charity
Link: This was unexpected news. Bill Gates has decided to hand over the lion’s share of Microsoft’s reins and concentrate on the Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation charity he and his wife built. Good for him. Let’s hope Microsoft continues to make people’s lives easier while Bill and his wife continue to make people’s […]
Songbird isn’t singing to me
In a previous post, I referred to the Songbird Firefox build as "an unfortunate waste of code." This comment prompted Rob Lord–one of the principal Songbird developers–to ask me in the comments of that post why I felt that way towards their product. I guess the wonders of Technorati keep even this obscure little blog […]
You need bombs for world peace, right?
Link: The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the San Francisco Bay area and the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico are competing to design America’s first new nuclear bomb in two decades. You know, I was just thinking the other day that we really needed a new nuclear weapon design. Critics say the […]
My Flock experience – part the First
Day one using Flock, and I must admit, I'm coming away impressed so far. Flock's integration with various forms of social "web 2.0" functionality and awareness makes my Firefox implementation look pitiful. A messy mash of extensions and bookmarks that is nothing but clutter. Flock is clean and personalized to an alarming degree. I'm actually […]
Google moves Picasa from PC to web
Link: Picasa Web Looks like Google has finally started moving from PC-centric thinking–overtaking the user desktop–to web-based thinking–overtaking the internets. I use Picasa, and I love the program for its astounding ability to keep my thousands of photos on my PC organized. It’s easy to find the pictures I want and edit them, reduce red-eye, […]
Will Firefox users flock to Flock?
Link: Flock The new kid on the block, Flock, is supposedly launching their first public beta sometime this afternoon/evening/night (version 0.7 — internally referred to as "Cardinal"). The theory behind the new browser is basically web 2.0. It's social. It's efficient. It's integrated. Bookmarks are stored on and displayed within the browser via a […]