Looks like popular photo site Shutterfly had a very successful opening on the stock exchange. Good for them! Marshall does an excellent job of pointing out why people (like my wife and I) use Shutterfly. The best advantage? Holiday cards. We’ve used Shutterfly to send out our holiday cards for the past three years, and […]
Wherefore art thou, Press Start podcast?
Is the Press Start podcast dead before it even had a chance to live? I suppose that’s a fairly leading statement. I guess I should just ask the question in the subject: where has Press Start gone? The phenomenal alt.NPR offering was the only gaming podcast I regularly listened to (aside from the excellent Evil […]
New header graphic
I’m the large geek boy-in-man’s-body on the left. The guy on the right is an immensely wonderful friend of mine who spent two years in the Middle East serving as a missionary with his wife. I truly, truly enjoy having fellow nerds as friends. Have a good weekend. =D
Does a $60 price tag equal “next-gen”?
Fellow Nerdblog Network member, bapenguin, has a vicious rant posted on Evil Avatar today, mercilessly attacking publishers (read: Electronic Arts) for their feeble attempts at passing minimal or non-existent “upgrades” as “next-generation content”: One of the hottest topics with next-gen games right now is the price. $59.99 sucks. But what sucks worse is when games […]
That explains the traffic boost today…
I read the post on TechCrush where Lutz Winter mentioned that the site has gotten through its alleged legal hurdles and is back online. Only it didn’t occur to me until just a moment ago that he linked Nerdflood in the post. It was a good experience after all, as quite some people expressed what […]
TechCrush a non-issue, move along, please, move along…
Hey, did you hear that there’s actually no legal action attempting to derail TechCrush before they have even had a chance to get some content out. It’s true! Apparently, Mike Arrington did NOT send out some vitrolic cease and desist letter. It was more like a nice, professional email suggesting that TechCrush might be infringing […]
Evidently we DON’T need an anti-Techcrunch
Or at least, someone seems to think we don’t: We put down our pencils here at the Crush-Room for the next days due to possible legal issues. Please stay with us, we will see how things are going to work out. Let’s hope it does all work out, because I was actually looking forward to […]
Do we need an anti-Techcrunch?
Evidently some people think so. TechCrush is a new site that takes a look at web 2.0 startups 6 months and 1 year after launch to see how the service has evolved–or devolved, as the case may be. From Stowe Boyd: Perhaps we need a dark doppelganger to TechCrunch — a TechMunch — a blog […]