Does a $60 price tag equal “next-gen”?

Fellow Nerdblog Network member, bapenguin, has a vicious rant posted on Evil Avatar today, mercilessly attacking publishers (read: Electronic Arts) for their feeble attempts at passing minimal or non-existent “upgrades” as “next-generation content”: One of the hottest topics with next-gen games right now is the price. $59.99 sucks. But what sucks worse is when games […]

TechCrush a non-issue, move along, please, move along…

Hey, did you hear that there’s actually no legal action attempting to derail TechCrush before they have even had a chance to get some content out. It’s true! Apparently, Mike Arrington did NOT send out some vitrolic cease and desist letter. It was more like a nice, professional email suggesting that TechCrush might be infringing […]