Well, I got the fantastic opportunity to unpack my new Nintendo Wii console last night, and I have to say, I am impressed on many different levels. First of all, setup is a breeze. Seriously. Getting the Wii on my wireless network was so enormously simple, it just about made me cry. It basically went […]
Not coming out of hiding
Just got my Nintendo Wii yesterday. So, yeah, you won’t be seeing me for a while. Not that you’ve been seeing me all that much recently.
Evil Avatar Comic 37: Either process can result in carpal tunnel syndrome
So, two brand new consoles launched this past weekend, and I’m not playing either of them. But some people are, and really, that’s good for them. But don’t think this means the console wars are anywhere close to being over. Read more Evil Avatar Comics @ evilavatarcomics.com! New comics posted every Monday (by yours truly) […]
Vandalize the chicken article!
Have I ever mentioned how much I love Ryan North? HOW IT WORKS: Simple! I just said. Instead of vandalizing Wikipedia in general, we all just vandalize the chicken article. How does it work? Dudes already know about chickens. Ladies also already know about chickens. Does an encyclopedia really need an article about nature’s tastiest […]
Democrats take the House and (maybe) the Senate
The jury is still out on the Senate (we’re hoping to pickup Webb in VA after a vicious recount there), but we can easily and happily claim the House and place Nancy Pelosi as Speaker–and third in line for the presidency, I might add–starting this coming January. Along with that, we kept a Democrat as […]
The fight to get noticed
Interesting. Both Robert and Michael are talking about small companies and start-ups trying to get attention in an accelerating web-based market. The main difference is that while Mike is trying to figure out a solution, Robert is simply giving up. Arrington: MothersClick is a perfectly good startup that we would normally cover. Lots of other […]
Thankfully, there was no mutiny
My little pirate on Halloween. The other one was a lion, but wouldn’t cooperate, which is actually pretty funny when you think about it.