It’s all about the adketeers. The goal here is not to take control of submitted material, but to make it easy enough to submit quick, fun content that it’s not much of an inconvenience to be deprived of control of submitted material. The result is a Creative Commons-like “Attribution” license! Except with sole ownership rights […]
Back to Firefox
With everything going on recently, and me being so incredibly busy with side projects, I completely forgot to mention that I switched back to Firefox over the holidays. I’m still a tremendous supporter of Flock and will continue to track its progress, but I simply can’t use the pre-1.0 version of the software. Not until […]
I want to be an analyst
They probably make good money guessing things that everybody already knows. From over at Evil Avatar, I noticed the story that some analyst has announced that PS3s are in stock, and the Wii is sold out everywhere! Really? I hadn’t noticed that. Oh, wait, yes I have. Everyone has. In fact, here’s a couple comparison […]
I’ll get him to sing Blackbird next
This weekend my wife and I got into a crazy frenzy of cleaning and organizing the house. Anytime we do this (which is apt to occur roughly once a month), we always put some music in the stereo and crank it up to keep us motivated and give the boys something to dance to while […]
Progress on the zombie story
So, I’m still at it. I’ve been slaving away at an attempt to create a piece of zombie horror fiction set in 16th century England, and I have to admit, I’m really liking it so far. It isn’t painful, like I thought it would be, and the prose is actually coming along nicely. I’m roughly […]
I must be insane…I’m writing zombie fiction
There is obviously something very, very wrong with me. It might have something to do with the hope and optimism of a new year. It might be the elation and freedom I’m feeling from having finally launched my big project at work. It might be the sudden and euphoric lifting of post-holiday stress. Maybe it’s […]
Our Wii experience is expanding
Our Wii game collection is up to four games, now. The Wii Sports pack-in remains the favorite of the entire family, but Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is what eats up all of my free time these days. I also managed to garner Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz for my wife for Christmas, which has […]
Happy 2007, all!
Happy New Year to everyone! I’ll be posting my new year’s resolutions sometime later today, in between bouts of work finishing up my big 2006 project. I don’t think I’ll be making any predictions, since I find myself horrendously bad at that sort of thing.