I need some help. I’m aching to find some quality steampunk scifi to add to my reading stack. Problem is, I don’t know what quality steampunk looks like from a title alone. The Wikipedia list isn’t helpful for this very reason. Anyone read any good steampunk scifi works recently and have some helpful suggestions? I’m […]
Happy birthday, Amanda!
I’ve got to take a moment to say a quick happy birthday to my wonderful wife, Amanda. She turns [AGE REDACTED] today, and–if at all possible–she has become even more beautiful, captivating, amazing, and inspiring than she was the day I met her nearly ten years ago. Happy birthday, sweetie! I love you! (I would […]
Well, how many social networks DO we need?
Great thoughts from Dave Winer based on an open question from Ponzarelli. Since the conversation is fairly short at the moment, I thought I would add my own thoughts on the concept. Ponzi asks how many social networks is enough? Dave responds that we only need one. The true question becomes: which one? The problem […]
Who are you? Where am I?
I’ve always had a bit of a lousy memory. But there must be something in the air these days, because lately, I have completely and absolutely lost any and all ability to recall just about anything. In just the past week, I’ve forgotten to call people to set up appointments (such as our realtor — […]
I think I’m addicted to the Wii Virtual Console
I guess in reality, I’ve only downloaded 9 titles, but it just seems like so many more than that when I put them all together side by side, like so. If you go to this page, you can see all the other titles I still want to download at some point. Do I need help, […]
Sonic and the Secret Rings…
…SUCKS. It’s even worse than the scores it’s received. The overall 69% it’s sporting at the moment is FAR, FAR too generous a score for this piece of trash “game”. None of the game–the playable levels, the menus, the configuration options–NOTHING is intuitive. It is nothing but stupid concepts wrapped around pathetically lacking gameplay all […]
Famitsu’s most wanted video games
Anyone who doubts that the PS3 will eventually begin to rocket in popularity simply needs to check out the latest Famitsu most wanted games list. PS3 in RED Wii in BLUE Xbox360 in GREEN (the rest is divided amongst DS, PSP, and PS2) 1. Dragon Quest IX NDS Square Enix 2.417 2. Final Fantasy XIII […]
The glow in the dark stuff was the worst…
This really happened tonight. My wife called me just as I was leaving work and let me know that a huge storm had just passed over our town and was quickly working its way east towards Des Moines. She advised me to stop and get indoors. So, what better stop could there be but a […]
Back to Dofus?
I suppose the new update means I’ll be downloading Dofus again sometime this weekend. Of course, with all the cleaning, painting, and repairing we need to do to the house to get it ready to sell, I’m not quite sure when I’ll be seeing a chance to actually play it.
Digg makes me smile sometimes
You really have to love the odd juxtapositions one gets with stories that show up on digg‘s front page. Such as this one.