Gotta love our Labor Day weekend. Let’s celebrate working by not! I’ve got a lot of Metroid on the plate for the weekend, obviously, with a picnic on Monday, provided the father-in-law opts out of visiting. I never know how those sort of things are going to end up. I just let the wife plan […]
CSS elite: cover your ears
Overheard on Evil Avatar (can’t link directly to the thread because it’s in the subscribers section): Christ, I think the motto for CSS should be “maybe I should just use a table”. I would counter the man’s argument with a list of all the benefits CSS provides, if it weren’t for the fact that even […]
I feel ‘ugh’. That’s my mood, right there: ‘ugh’
I have discovered a brand new back pain up near my neck that made it impossible to be upbeat last night. That combined with an entire family of cold sufferers and me feeling on the horrendous side of miserable kept me from being able to play Metroid last night. Can you get withdrawal symptoms after […]
Hey, what’s this?
Hmmmmm….interesting….. (psssst — I’m gonna be away for a while…….)
Metroid Prime 3: I can haz bad revyooz now?
Because LOL language is fun. And giving Nintendo games bad review scores is “in”, apparently. I should preface this by saying, no, I haven’t yet played the game. That will change Tuesday evening. I really shouldn’t be tossing in my 2-cents judging reviews for games that I haven’t yet touched. But, oh, wait! This is […]
My Begindergartener
By the way, tomorrow, Caleb starts “Begindergarten”. That’s what they call pre-K in this school district. This bears repeating. My first born son. Starts. School. Tomorrow. There aren’t enough clever IM-based acronyms to convincingly communicate this sense of complete and utter disbelief. My son is going to school. I submit to you that he is […]
Iowa State Fair
Last Monday, Amanda, myself, and Amanda’s mother all gathered up the boys and several backpacks filled with supplies and trekked out to the Iowa State Fair. It’s a yearly pilgrimage, and a welcome one at that. I feel as though this year we didn’t get to see everything we would have liked. While we got […]
Dungeons and Dragons 4th edition
This is probably for the best, seeing as how I gave away all my 3rd edition D&D materials to Ziggurat Con. A more generous reading would cite all the extracurricular work that Wizards is putting into community building for D&D. Launching alongside the new edition of the rules is what the company is calling D&D […]
I gots muh ears lower’d!
Hair. Short. It hasn’t been this short in EVER. Evidence below. Yeah. That’s short.
Calacanis and Winer: now here’s a reason to hate the internet
Even though this is making all the rounds on the internet, I feel the need to comment. I don’t know why; I guess I must just be bored. So, evidently Jason Calacanis talked at Gnomedex about Mahalo. And Dave Winer didn’t really care for that too much. But instead of intelligently discussing his issues with […]