I don’t know if you can actually make NaNoWriMo into a verb, but you know I like a linguistic challenge. Whatever you might call the process, as you can probably tell by the icon to the left, I’m throwing myself headlong into NaNoWriMo this year. For those of you unfamiliar with NaNoWriMo (and I wager […]
Just say no to Twitter Pro
Dave Winer and Robert Scoble really have come up with a doozy of an idea. Essentially, Scoble says he would pay $10 a month for a Twitter that removes the 140 character limit. What do you call Twitter without the character limit? A blog. The bubble is truly about to burst.
Why is my “Followers” number inconsistent?
On my Twitter home page: On my Twitter profile page: Why are those “followers” numbers different? They have been for a couple of weeks. Does it have to do with people having their content locked?
My domain now lasts 37 years!
Nifty message received when I log into WordPress: Guess I’m not in any hurry to renew!
Smashing and brawling delayed
Amidst the slew of Nintendo announcements yesterday was a little nugget of despair for Japanese gamers: Super Smash Bros. Brawl would be delayed a couple months. No biggie, I’m sure it’s for localization purposes and that the US version will still ship at the beginning of December as planned. Uh, no. Super Smash Bros. Brawl […]
Tons of awesome Nintendo announcements
Nintendo held a press conference in Japan last night and announced a plethora of fantastic upcoming items of sheer coolness. IGN Wii has a live blog of the event posted, and I’ll throw out some links to some of the highlights here. Sonic is officially in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Check out the intro movie […]
Green Leopard Plague
I finished reading the first winner in the 2006 Nebula Showcase (yes, I’m one year behind. But this is one of the last compilations to be edited by Gardner Dozois prior to his extensive surgery, so I’m entitled to play catch-up). In any case, the winning novella was Green Leopard Plague by Walter Jon Williams, […]
The pain of the year-end maelstrom
I don’t know which is more depressing: the lack of money, or the lack of time required to play all the games coming out this year that I want to pick up. Just this month I have Zack & Wiki coming out next week, and the double-bogey of Guitar Hero 3 ($90!!!!) and Battalion Wars […]
A good example of marketing demonstrating its irrelevance
There are times when marketing people shouldn’t be allowed to speak. This is one of those times. Here’s a small portion of an interview with Insomniac Games’ marketing director, Ryan Schneider. Insomniac is the developer of the Ratchet & Clank games. Kikizo: You’ve said that some inspiration is taken from games and movies, but have […]
The ball doesn’t get “kicked”, it gets “blasted”
I’ve had a couple questions about the current header graphic. Yes, that’s a shot of Caleb I took just as his foot was about to blast the soccer ball. Yeah, that’s right – he never just “kicks” the ball. Oh, no. Not my son. No, he blasts the ball. He runs up to that ball, […]