I know that the Wii has some RPGs on the way, but it looks as though 2008 might also be the year that the Xbox 360 gets some quality RPG goodness of its own.
- Infinite Undiscovery from Square Enix slated to hit the US at the beginning of September.
- The Last Remnant, also a Square Enix title, coming stateside this “winter”.
- Tales of Vesperia, a brand-new entry in the essential Tales series by Namco Bandai, will arrive in late August.
This is, of course, Microsoft’s last-ditch effort to get someone in Japan to buy their console. Blue Dragon didn’t do it, despite adequate reviews. And it appears less and less likely with each passing day that the 360 will ever see a port of Final Fantasy XIII, not that that one title alone could save the 360 from its embarrassing performance in Japan.
But I will admit this much: this slew of potentially high-quality RPGs is enough to make me turn a serious eye towards the 360. I’ve always considered the system to be a haven for nothing more than FPS and war games, neither of which I am overly interested in. These titles may force me to change my perspective. By Christmas, I might just have to hang up my friend codes in exchange for a Gamertag. Especially since I’m already not planning to pick up the next Nintendo system.