So, I have a co-worker, and he and I are both die-hard Nintendo fanboys. We have always owned Nintendo consoles, we have always worshiped Nintendo properties, we have always waited with child-like glee and anticipation for every new nugget of Nintendo goodness. Now, this co-worker friend of mine recently purchased an Xbox 360. No problem, […]
Twitter is NOT blaming Scoble for their problems
It’s amazing. Everyone complained when Twitter wasn’t saying enough about their downtime. Now that they are working to be more transparent, they are being harassed for it. Alex Payne (no relation, as far as I know, though my youngest son’s name happens to be Alex) posted on the Twitter dev blog some answers to questions […]
Kevin Lawver leaves AOL…and Ficlets
Kevin Lawver, the AOL developer behind the amazing short collaborative fiction site Ficlets, has taken a position with another company after 13 years at AOL. I learned about it first in a tweet earlier this morning. That was followed not long after by a subsequent blog post on Ficlets. Kevin built an absolutely amazing site […]
Lostwinds is fantastic
I just finished the WiiWare game Lostwinds by UK developer Frontier. It is, in one word: amazing. Yes, it is definitely short. I completed the game in about 2 and 1/2 hours, give or take. But it never once disappointed in the least. The concept of controlling the wind and a character in unison is […]
Sketchflood has a new home
Instead of posting my drawings over at Comicspace, I’ve decided instead to use the sweet new photoblogging WordPress theme, Monotone. Plus, in addition to posting my crazy drawings, I’ll also be posting the periodic photo, as well. It’s a win-win! Well, for me, at least. Check it out!
Home sick today
I’ve spent the entire day sick in bed today. The likely culprit was metal ice cream. I’ll explain later. Maybe.
Going to the Barack Obama rally
Democratic Presidential nominee hopeful Barack Obama has planned a rally tonight, right here in Des Moines, IA. The wife and I discussed it, and we plan on attending. Not only that, but we’re bringing our oldest son along so he can witness history in the making. If this stories are to be believed, tonight’s rally […]
Happy anniversary to us!
Today marks seven wonderful years married to my wife. From our carefree days in the UNI college dorms, to our early married days living in a tiny shack in West Des Moines, to our current life in a tiny house in a tiny rural Iowa town, with two not-so-tiny boys running our every moment. Not […]
Back to Firefox: sorry, Flock – I tried
So last night, I downloaded and installed the latest release of Firefox (I’m just not ready for beta3 yet). I’ve been a Flock supporter for about two years now, but it was just time to switch. It wasn’t necessarily anything that Flock did that made me go back to Firefox. It was what it […]
Skull leaving PvP?
And just 3 months later, it happens, just as I (and likely many others) predicted. Skull appears to be preparing to leave the PvP offices for good. Now, I can tell you right now that there is no way in hell Kurtz is actually going to allow his fuzzy, silly comedic foil to simply disappear […]