So, I’ve been hooked on blippr lately. What is it? It’s a simple site where you can leave and peruse reviews for movies, video games, and books. The catch is that in Twitter fashion, your reviews can only be a maximum of 160-characters. I love this service for one very obvious reason. When I ask […]
Happy (belated) Mother’s Day!
I don’t ordinarily post on the weekends, so I didn’t get an opportunity to bid mothers everywhere a happy day of rejoicing in the fact that they exist. For those curious, this photo demonstrates how my wonderful wife chose to spend some of her special day. More pictures of her superior karting skills and the […]
WiiWare launches today!
Today is WiiWare launch day! So, when I get home today, I’ll have some purchasing decisions to make. Luckily, those decisions will be relatively easy. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King. This one’s a no-brainer. It’s a Final Fantasy building sim that looks gorgeous. Sure, it’s $15, but I was just going […]
Posting this photo is an absolute must
I couldn’t resist. These pictures were taken over at my sister’s house a couple of weeks ago. Does my toddler look absolutely adorable wearing novelty Hulk hands? I submit to you that he most definitely does. Not only that, but he’s got a mean right hook and could probably clean my clock with those monstrosities […]
My creative project for the past few days: Minific!
I haven’t crafted a drawing or written much fiction lately. Instead, I’ve been working on another creative endeavor: Minific. Minific physically is nothing more than a pretty front-end for the Twitter tweme #minific. Conceptually, it’s much more. It’s a store house for bursts of creative insight. A repository for a flash of fiction. An ever-changing, […]
One more reason to like Twitter more than Pownce
The way FriendFeed handles Pownce entries. I caught a tweet in FriendFeed that Jeremy Brooks cross-posted to Pownce. Note that there is a URL in the tweet. In the Twitter tweet, the text is plain, and the link is clickable. In the Pownce post, the entire text is clickable, but links back to the Pownce […]
Field trip!
Yesterday, I got to go on a field trip with my pre-kindergarten son to Living History Farms. It was a great trip, full of the amazement of experiencing new things reflected in the eyes of a child, as well as the enjoyment of listening to the wonderfully innocent and infallible humor of 5 year olds. […]
Two drawings today: Iron Boy!
In celebration of the Iron Man movie out in theaters (and getting great reviews, by the way), I’ve created a couple of quick drawings for this day’s creative burst: Iron Boy loves fighting, and Iron Boy hates fighting.
Recent photos: kids being adorable and a tea table
I promised my wonderful mother-in-law that I would talk about the boys more often around here. I cannot disappoint her! The results would be devastating. So, to appease all the masses interested in seeing the kids, I felt the need to highlight a couple of recent photos here. Here’s a great shot the wife took […]