I am a poor excuse for a fan of science fiction

So, nominees for the Hugo awards have been announced. Here’s my thoughts: Nominees for Best Novel The Yiddish Policemen’s Union Michael Chabon (I haven’t read this one yet) Brasyl Ian McDonald (haven’t gotten to this one, either) Rollback Robert J. Sawyer (nope, haven’t read it) The Last Colony John Scalzi (I’ve read Old Man’s War […]

Wii to become the de-facto home for new Tales games?

It was tough going to get this Famitsu article translated, but some enterprising Tales forum members were up to the task. One nearly inconsequential bullet point actually becomes a major supporting concept for my theory that the Wii will replace the PS2 as a home for jRPG goodness. Namco Bandai has apparently announced that after […]

Is offline access on an online document editor important?

For those interested, I posted a follow-up comment over on FriendFeed to my Google Docs / Buzzword post. One important aspect I forgot to include in that post: offline access. GDocs has offline doc sync through Gears. You would think Buzzword would be a shoe-in for offline access through Adobe’s AIR platform, but so far, […]

Kung Fu Panda versus Wall-E

Two excellent CGI movies have come out this summer, both from completely different computer animation studios. Kung Fu Panda. From Dreamworks Animation, the studio that brought us Shrek (all three of them), Shark Tale, Madagascar, Over the Hedge, and the Bee Movie. Mostly “meh” movies, some good, some not. Kung Fu Panda featured the voices […]