You’ve probably heard about this new Coraline movie coming out, perhaps? It’s the one that looks provocative, yet somewhat nauseatingly creepy. Yeah, that’s the one. It’s the movie that’s based on a novella written by one of my favorite authors, Neil Gaiman. You probably didn’t know that, because the commercials for the movie never even […]
Ficlets REBORN! (sort of)
I missed this news by a solid week, but it bears mentioning. Kevin Lawver has finally posted the entirety of the recently deceased Ficlets library online, and it is a thing of beauty. Beautiful not just in the fact that it contains thousands upon thousands of miniature stories, the bright flashes of life and insight […]
New blog!
I know, why do I need another blog? Well, it’s simple. Every now and then I like to talk about video games. And even though this blog is appropriately called “Nerdflood”, I don’t necessarily want it to become a games-centric blog. I want it to be about me and my penchant for nerdiness. Henceforth, all […]
Home cooking with DS homebrew
So, now that I have a DS Lite, what’s next beyond just playing some great games? Homebrew. I’ve already ordered a new microSD card and, based on suggestions and pointers from a known homebrewer on the Colony, I also ordered the R4DS cart from System Gears. Both shipped within the past couple of days, and […]
The Wii and DS games of 2009
So, 2008 wasn’t really the year of the Wii RPG that I had hoped it would be. 2008, as a matter of fact, wasn’t really the year for a whole lot on the Wii of any real substance. I’m not trying to discount everything that showed up on the Little Console that Could™. There were […]