Evidently some people think so.
TechCrush is a new site that takes a look at web 2.0 startups 6 months and 1 year after launch to see how the service has evolved–or devolved, as the case may be. From Stowe Boyd:
Perhaps we need a dark doppelganger to TechCrunch — a TechMunch — a blog that religiously revisits every app that debuts in TechCrunch exactly six months later, and determines if these apps are now failures or successes.
I believe the site must have been constructed in response to Mike Arrington‘s apparent willingness to green-light some startup efforts at or before launch time, and then never looking back to see if the company has been able to manage reliability and marketability over a longer period of time. Longevity is, of course, relative as far as the internet is concerned, but I like the concept of TechCrush, so I’ll be checking it out. I just wish Stowe had painted it in a bit of a brighter light. Call it whatever you want to, but it really shouldn’t be considered a “dark doppelganger” to Techcrunch. Both blogs can accompany and complement each other successfully, and I hope some sort of cooperation can exist in this regard. We can only hope everyone involved will be so enlightened as to see the potential and make it happen.