You call this “support”, Ubisoft?

So, Ubisoft is creating a “new” Prince of Persia game entitled Rival Swords, huh? Oh, wait! Is it just me, or does this look suspiciously like Two Thrones with Wii controls nailed on? Uh…yep. That’s it all right.

This is utterly depressing. Ubisoft came out after E3 2006 crying out in favor of the Nintendo Wii. They sang songs of its impending excellence. They pledged to bring dozens of games to the system within its first year. They were creating new IP, redesigning old favorites. Nintendo fans rejoiced at the prospect of the mountain of gaming goodness that Ubisoft was being poured out over the little Nintendo console that could.

Hmmm. Let’s just take a look at Ubisoft’s Wii “support”, shall we?

Far Cry Vengeance: 40%
Red Steel: 65%
Monster 4×4: World Circuit: 51%
GT Pro Series: 43%
Splinter Cell Double Agent: 61%

Ugh. Half-baked rehashes of games people were done with two years ago. Poor quality racers. New game concepts that really could have done with an extra year of spit and polish. At least Rayman is somehow managing an 80%.

Man, this is the Capcom Five all over again. So many broken promises. So many lies.