There’s probably a bit more detail to go into than to just simply say I’m cleaning house on side-projects. There’s more to it than that. I’ve recently discovered that I have high blood pressure. My doctor has been monitoring my stats over the past few weeks, and it hasn’t dropped below 130/90 (normal pressure is 120/80). It’s not overly worrying, but it is elevated, and I’ll probably have to go on medication.
Today, though, was a worrying day. The doc scheduled me for a morning ultrasound of my kidneys. Not knowing how long I’ve been dealing with my problem, we had no way of knowing if there had been any damage done to my kidneys through long-term high blood pressure.
While the situation certainly isn’t Virginia Tech bad, this is the only body I’ve got, and I’d like to make sure it lasts a while longer.
Turns out the kidneys are fine, and I’m due to go on some meds sometime early next week. Everything should be working out all right. It’s just been a trying time since I have no control over this particular aspect of my health, and I’d really like to continue living. I want to do anything I can to reduce stress and minimize the possibility of an unhealthy lifestyle. I’ve got a family that needs a healthy dad and husband.
Back to the “cleaning house” thing. It’s two things, really. It’s reducing stress and clearing off the plate. In one way, I’m taking away the things where I don’t need undue pressure from imaginary deadlines. In another, I’m cleaning up time that can be spent on family, friends, and hobbies that bring me enjoyment and value.
So, there you have it. Not really that big a deal in the grand scheme of things, but a big deal to me.