Homeowners (again)

Well, we did it. We signed our lives away once again. My wife and I signed the papers to purchase a brand new townhome in Waukee last night.

The deal is obviously contingent upon us selling our current home. But in order to pull that off, we need to get in gear and get the place cleaned up and ready for showing. Amanda has been working her
butt off for the past couple of weeks getting some stuff packed away and out of the house to clear up some of the clutter, but it’s a huge job, and I haven’t been contributing as much as I probably should.

The plus side is that our current neighbors are interested in buying the property already. They purchase houses as renovation projects, and they are looking for a new investment. We’re hoping to show them the house this weekend, and maybe we can get this all taken care of in short order and without the need of a realtor.