A new game console company is trying to enter the market, and they are doing it in the most splendid way imaginable.
- Android 4.0-based system
- Free-to-play games
- Hooks to your TV
- Size of a small box
- Awesome-looking standard-ish controller with a touchscreen
- Fully customizable hardware AND software, with a full SDK available at launch
- Costs less than $100 (likely $99)
- Plugs into an online storefront
- Online, mobile, and Ouya-specific games at prices set by the developers themselves
As if it wasn’t already painfully obvious, I fully support this endeavor (not to the tune of $1000 or anything, but I’m definitely pitching in a few bucks). The ability to have a game console that connects to my TV, featuring indie games where the content and prices are controlled almost exclusively by the developers, fully hackable, AND cheap? The current lame-duck generation of consoles has needed some excellent competition in order to force them to realize they are charging WAY too much for their content, and forcing WAY too much control over assets. The OUYA could be a major disruptor, and I for one am voting with my dollars for its eventual success.