Penny Arcade Xfire chat

The Penny Arcade guys, Jerry (Tycho) and Mike (Gabe), had a chat session hosted by Xfire earlier this evening, and zrikz over at Evil Avatar had the opportunity to sit in on the Q&A. He posted a chat log of the session (which I’ve also hosted over here). There were quite a few excellent questions thrown around during the hour-long chat, and I’ve collected a few of the highlights here for your viewing pleasure.

What happened to the Podcast?
The podcast went on a vacation. I am happy to say that it has returned, fully rested, and after PAX it’ll be back as a regular feature. Sorry about the hiatus!

(For Tycho) I’ve noticed that your “blog” posts are often as amusing as the comic itself. With such a natural skill and unique wit for comedic writing, have you ever considered working on other writing projects, such as books or a screenwriting?
Thank you for saying so. More than consider it, I have actively begun working on extra projects. Expect one to be announced at PAX, and another shortly thereafter.

Are your jokes about “premium content” backhanded jabs at Tim Buckley of CAD?
No they are not backhanded

Are you upset that you must have the “-” in penny”-“
No. In the future, dashes will be a form of currency. That single dash is with over a billion Galactic Credits.

Who do you think will win the console wars?

East Coast PAX?
This was always the plan.  Give us time to bury E3, and we’ll come see you.

The rest of the chat log basically consists of some pretty standard questions you would expect people to ask the PA guys, interspersed with a lot of people coming and going in and out of the chat room. Most interesting news to me would be this secret writing project that Jerry has evidently been working on. I’m truly curious to see what that might be.