I should really be writing, I suppose. I wrote a measly 400 words Monday, and by Tuesday I was well over 3,000 words behind where I should have been. So in a flurry of writing, I got through another 1,200 words yesterday, so that I was within arm’s reach of the day six goal of 10,000 words. But not nearly close enough.
So, today, what do I do when I should be writing more of the novel? I draw. Lately I’ve been fascinated with the cutesy cartoon characterizations that Katie Cook draws. You can see more of her work on her frequently updated Livejournal. She does awesome drawings of Star Wars, Harry Potter, superheroes, and other geek media stuff. I love the style, and I’ve been meaning to try my hand at it to see what I could come up with.
I thought, if she’s doing geek movies and television, why don’t I attempt video games? And after reading Penny Arcade’s Monday comic, I thought that Assassin’s Creed would be a perfect place to start. So below is something that I whipped together over my lunch break today.
Yeah, I should stick to writing.