
Zero. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. Zip. The Anti-Number. That’s how many words I wrote on my novel yesterday. Prior to that, my lowest daily count was 222. Now, it’s zero

At the NaNoWriMo kick-off meeting, some people mentioned how the middle of the month is the most difficult. You lose a lot of steam around the 15th, is what they said. It’s definitely true. I’ve lost all will to perform ANY writing at all. I don’t even want to do email. This blog post is giving me a nose bleed.  All I want to do at this point is curl up on the couch with a copy of Super Mario Galaxy and forget the world exists for a couple days.

But I have a novel to write.

And I’m now roughly 9,000 words behind.

Why. Am. I. Doing. This. 

P.S. This blog post contains 145 words.