I’m back at work today after a truly excellent four-day weekend filled with Christmas-y goodness. I received Zack & Wiki and Super Mario Galaxy (amongst other fine consumable materials), so my gaming days are for the most part booked for a while. I’m still tossing around the idea of picking up Battalion Wars 2 since I didn’t get it as a gift, but I’m not so sure it will be worth the investment. And by ‘investment’, I don’t mean money, but rather time. I’ll also be able to pick up some new books on the way home from work today, and my sparse reading stack will be thankful for the additions, I’m sure.
I’m going to start the blogging again in full stride after the holidays are over (ie, after the new year). I’m sure you have missed my daily dose of wordage, as my traffic stats presume to inform me. Enjoy the snow falling in the meantime! I’m afraid it disappears after January 2nd. I wish I could say the same for the real stuff.