
It was spring cleaning today on the Nerdflood blog. I moved a lot of stuff around on the sidebars because I wasn’t liking the arrangement. There was more stuff I wanted to add, and things that needed removing. I cleaned up my “Find Me Online” list to only show places where I actually currently tend to hang out. Twitter is definitely the top spot these days, replacing any forums I used to frequent. I hardly visit Facebook anymore, for obvious reasons. I added an “Upcoming Movies” section to display my nerd cred, and a “Reading List” to cement it. And, just because I know there’s a generous person out there somewhere that will someday visit my blog, I’ve also added my wish list.

The left-hand side is just the various blog stuff: calendar of posts, archive, categories, etc. Below my usual shared items feed I’ve added an RSS stream of tweets from the #dmtweetup crew, ’cause they’re good people. Er, “tweeple”.

But what’s really amazing is that after using this WP theme for over a year, I’m still not ready to get rid of it yet. That’s surprising – I’m usually bored with any theme within a couple of months.

Of course, now that I say that, I’ll probably change it this weekend.