Recent photos: kids being adorable and a tea table

I promised my wonderful mother-in-law that I would talk about the boys more often around here. I cannot disappoint her! The results would be devastating. So, to appease all the masses interested in seeing the kids, I felt the need to highlight a couple of recent photos here.

Here’s a great shot the wife took of the boys sleeping IN OUR BED. They have a habit of crawling into our bed during the night (something we’re trying to break them of, preferably through the breaking of the habit and not their bones). In any case, this photo is a good example of the child defense mechanism of increased adorablocity (not a word! Don’t look it up!) in full effect.

Awesome photo I took last night of the boys playing Mario Kart Wii. It isn’t awesome because of its quality, but rather because of how great it makes me feel to see my boys enjoying video games. The youngest (on the right) doesn’t actually play, but loves to sit and hold his own controller while big brother drifts the corners. See how he has his little toddler legs crossed? There is nothing cuter in the world. NOTHING. More Mario Kart photos here.

And last, but most certainly not least, my wife’s wonderful table decoration at the local church Ladies’ Tea last month. The weekend then was cold and miserable, so her idea was to create a festive, bright table that was full of sunshine and warmth. Each place setting held a placard that contained some random quote about summer. It was a fantastic idea, and I think she pulled it off masterfully. Check out more of her table photos here, including better shots of the centerpiece that was filled with colorful mandarin oranges and lemons.

More photos of all sorts of things on our Flickr photostream.