Fun online tools: blippr mini-reviews

So, I’ve been hooked on blippr lately. What is it? It’s a simple site where you can leave and peruse reviews for movies, video games, and books. The catch is that in Twitter fashion, your reviews can only be a maximum of 160-characters.

I love this service for one very obvious reason. When I ask a friend whether or not they enjoyed a book, movie, or game that I’m even remotely interested in, they don’t sit me down and begin to unravel every aspect of the story, de-mystifying the artistic style and languishing laboriously over every minute detail of the dichotomy of the main protagonist versus the foul, despicable villain.

No, they tell me very simply “sure, you should check it out, because” [insert 1 fairly straight-forward sentence on the reasoning behind why I may or may not enjoy said piece of entertainment]. That’s it. Sure, once I’ve seen/read/played it as well, we will then begin to languish laboriously over every minute detail, but until then, I just need a trusted source to either give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down, with just a quick blurb about why. All I need is a blip.

It’s still in beta, obviously, so I’ll be continuing to play around with the site. I’ve been periodically dumping in some feedback about some of the features. They have a handy system for importing an Amazon wish list into their system, which is a phenomenal idea for tracking and eventually blipping content once digested – if it actually worked, that is. Hopefully that’s something they get smoothed out because I can see myself utilizing that feature heavily.

In the meantime, I’ve added an RSS feed of my blips to the sidebar there on the right, and in the movies listing down on the far left, I’ll be adding a link to the blips for each movie as they become available.

My thanks go out to Chris Harris (@charris1980 | FriendFeed) of the #dmtweetup group for pointing me towards blippr.