Apparently there’s some confusion on the internets* about this new website that’s popped up called IowaFlood, and its purported relation to Nerdflood. So, time to clear the air. Here is a detailed side by side comparison of the two sites to give everyone a very clear understanding of what each site provides you, the valued reader.
IowaFlood: created to provide Iowans up-to-the-minute news and multiple perspectives on the current midwest flooding crisis plaguing our fair state.
Nerdflood: created as a platform from which to dispense my snarky commentary and clever insight into social media, video games, and life in general. Also, kids.
IowaFlood: collects photos and videos from Iowans viewing disasters, news footage, personal stories, and even Iowa flood-related Twitter posts.
Nerdflood: contains pure unadulterated text. And sometimes pictures. But no lolcats (I don’t know if that’s a plus or a minus).
IowaFlood: some Des Moines-based web developer named Andy Brudtkuhl, from 48web Consulting. Also responsible for Get a New Browser, dmtweetup, and various other ventures. He may also have created Twitter** and there’s a rumor going around that he is the second coming of Christ.***
Nerdflood: ME. I also made Minific. Kinda.
IowaFlood: has existed for only one day.
Nerdflood: has been around for over two years.
I think it’s plainly clear that these two sites serve completely different audiences. Nerdflood is for geeks that like geeky things. Also, people who are really bored and have nothing better to read. IowaFlood is for people who are interested in knowing more about the flooding crisis that is currently holding the midwest captive in its steely claws of steely doom. I think the choice is clear.
* no there isn’t
** no he didn’t
*** unconfirmed, but likely not true