I captured this shot of my blog stats this evening just as it had reset for the 13th.
That first jump on the 4th was my first post about Toluu. Most of the traffic that day came from FriendFeed. The second jump was after my follow-up post on Toluu yesterday. Most of that traffic also came from FriendFeed. The subsequent continued climb upwards today was mainly to the same Toluu post (and a bit to the IowaFlood/Nerdflood post), but instead of coming from FriendFeed, a majority of my traffic today came from StumbleUpon.
I admit it, I’m no stumbler. I have absolutely no idea how it works, to be honest, but evidently the audience on that site is a force to be reckoned with.
Now, you have to allow me this fleeting moment of joy watching these numbers spike so dramatically. My blog is an odd duck in the blogosphere. I don’t fit into any specific niche, so I don’t gain any specific audience. On any given day, topics here can range from video games, to Twitter; from movies, to photos of my kids eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I have never really had any expectations of growing this site into any substantial following. It’s just a personal blog, and I hope you find it interesting. I just get a dumb, childish grin on my face when I see my traffic numbers climb like this. And it doesn’t happen very often. I don’t expect it to happen much in the future.
So, if you like what you see, please, subscribe to my feed. I try to post multiple times a week. Occasionally, I even manage to make a point.
And if you don’t like what you see, I’m not going to pressure you to hang around. My thoughts and opinions aren’t necessarily for everyone, and there’s a whole heck of a lot of blogs out there, I hear that some of them might even be slightly more interesting than mine.