What do YOU do on the Fourth of July?

I have a few quiet moments today amidst the chaos of our average July 4th holiday festivities. A few moments in which to sit on my porch and post to my blog. Exciting, isn’t it?

This July 4th found me, my oldest son, and my neice all on a parade float together. We were promoting our church’s Christian concert series, doing so by bringing Rock Band instruments up onto a trailer and blasting Fireflight music while rocking out the entire length of the parade route. And folks, if you haven’t seen a 5-year-old rock out on a fake plastic guitar, you have not lived. Pictures are forthcoming! I obviously didn’t get an opportunity to ake any myself, seeing as how I was on the float. I did, however, play some pretty mean pretend drums.

The rest of the morning and early afternoon was spent at my parents house with about a thousand of our closest relatives feasting on approximately eighteen different kinds of yellow foods. There was corn casserole, macaroni casserole, corn AND macaroni casserole, several potato salads, and lots and lots of pasta salads. Thank god dad grilled some beer brats or else it might have been unbearable.

Now, the youngest one is taking his mid-day nap, and the oldest boy is over at a friend’s house for a birthday party. The wife and I are just relaxing on a suspiciously cool, quiet, breezy afternon. A rarity in these parts, but a welcome one nonetheless.

This evening will be fireworks at the football field. Then a mad scramble to get the kids to bed before they explode themselves after such a long day.

The wife’s mother will be visiting tomorrow and staying through the weekend, so I might not make it back online until Monday. In the meantime, let me know: what do YOUR July 4th festivities include? Feel free to comment here, or over on FriendFeed where this post will eventually end up.
