So, this year is finally drawing to a close. As it does, I look back on the experiences that shaped 2008, and look ahead and what to expect in 2009.
Watching the boys grow. This is easily the seminal moment of every year, but 2008 was different in this respect, in many ways. Caleb started Kindergarten and lost two teeth. Alex has been speaking more eloquently and interacting more intelligently (while we count down the days until he leaves the proverbial “terrible two’s”). They haven’t just been growing this year, they have really been expanding and exploding in ways I never expected. They have also finally gotten to the point where they are actually brothers, and speak (and fight) with each other as brothers to often do. I look forward to seeing how they progress next year, but this year has been especially eye-opening.
President Barack Obama. I know, he isn’t technically president yet. But Barack’s ideas are so drastically in contrast to this current, horrendously failed administration, that I am eagerly anticipating inauguration day. While I’m not walking starry-eyed blindly into some daydreamy, picturesque future, I am hopeful that things will at least be better than they have been. Though it honestly won’t take much for that to occur.
Youth ministry. This past year, I took over management of the teen outreach program at our church. It has been an amazing few months, with two girls accepting Christ, and one of them deciding to be baptized. I feel there are others on the verge of understanding, and I’m praying for God’s guidance in how to proceed with planning our topics for the coming year. Unfortunately, while our ministry has been blessed with amazing workers and an eager teen group, my coordination and planning skills have apparently taken a dive.
Writing. I attempted to start a novel this year, and I failed. But in failing I learned something important: I’m not so sure that I can write novels. At least, not yet. In 2009 I plan to spend more time working on and developing some short fiction ideas I have had floating around in my head for a while. I also intend to participate in more creative writing projects in the Colony Writer’s Guild to keep my skills sharp and my prose plentiful.
Video games. What would a post on Nerdflood be without a mention of video games? With Mario Kart, No More Heroes, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Lostwinds, and Tales of Symphonia, this was definitely a good year to be a Wii owner. Some people complained there weren’t enough games on the Wii this year, but that’s because those people have much more time to play than I do. There was a good enough stream of quality titles this year to satisfy me and my meager gaming schedule. Plus, I ended the year with a high-quality bang as I finally scored a DS this Christmas, along with a decent handful of games. There is no complaining here. 2008 was a great gaming year.
So, with all of that behind us in 2008, what’s left to look forward to in 2009?
Baby. This is pretty much the top item on the list for next year. Providing everything goes well, and it will, we should be welcoming the third Payne child into our loving little world sometime in July. The boys are already excited (well, Caleb is; Alex is still fairly oblivious). We’re not especially ready for the next child (I don’t think anyone is ever really ready for another child), but I already know Amanda is ready to be done with the pregnancy. A new baby means a few less hours of sleep, a lot more diaper changing, and a bit of grouchiness, but it also means a beautiful new child to love and adore, and a wonderful learning experience for the boys as they grow accustomed to a younger sibling. All in all, this will take 2009 from great year to excellent year.
New house. This is something we’ve been talking about for a long time, but have never been able to actually get to work. We’ve purchased new houses twice. We’ve attempted to sell ours three times. All with little to no success. I have no idea if the current economy and housing market is going to make this process easier or harder in 2009, but my goal is clear. My New Year’s Resolution™ this year is to do everything within my power to get. Us. Out. Of. This. House.
Video games. Of course, more games. I’ll do a separate post sometime after the first of the year outlining all of the Wii and DS games I’m looking forward to this coming year.
So, 2008 was a good year. I have no complaints about it. And 2009 is shaping up to be even better. In this coming year, I plan to make sure family is always first priority, remember to have some fun with some great games, get us into a new home, and try to write some more.
All in all, 2009 is looking pretty good! My hope is that it’s as good for you as I hope it will be for me and mine.