8-Bit Jesus physical album arrives!

It’s a bit late for Christmas, but I don’t mind one bit.

You may recall back in late December I highlighted some Christmas music for gamers (not surprisingly, this post is still on the front page. Yes, I update THAT infrequently). In that post, I had mentioned the excellent 8-Bit Jesus album by Doctor Octoroc. Unfortunately, I never bothered to mention the problems Doc Octoroc was facing. Just prior to Christmas, he had discovered that his beloved dog needed surgery. He pleaded with his new found audience that had come to his site in droves since he released the initial 9 tracks to his album. He asked for nothing more than some donations – anything anyone could give. A $15 donation would gain you a small present in the form of a physical copy of the 8-Bit Jesus album that would be sent after the holidays.

Well, I couldn’t ignore a story involving a needy animal. Plus, the album really is phenomenal. So, I went ahead and donated.

Christmas came and went. Doc’s pup got the surgery he needed. Life went on, and I completely forgot about the album. Until today.

Here it is.
Click the image for a full set of “unboxing” photos of this gorgeous album. Doc had the album professionally done, and I think the result is absolutely spectacular. I honestly don’t feel that my meager donation was really worth this amount of effort, but I appreciate the gift nonetheless. The music on the disc is really just a bonus at this point.

Thanks, Doctor Octoroc!