Via Kevin Lawver’s wonderful Tumblr, I came across this yesterday.
What is it? Nothing more than a collection of somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 stories written on I’ve talked about Ficly a lot in the past. It’s a fantastic site, not just because you can create and share short pieces of fiction there, but also because of the excellent community of writers that has sprung up around the site. They are creative, gracious, clever, and kind, and I really wish I had more time to spend there these days.
The book itself appears to be a $3 PDF ebook, with all of the proceeds benefiting the site proper, presumably through things like server and hosting costs, bandwidth, Ferrari’s, and office supplies. You know, the usual. I know Kevin and his expensive tastes for the finer things in life. And I don’t know Jason Garber at all, but he strikes me as the sort of person who could use a new Rolex every couple of months.
Now, I’m going to completely look past the fact that this compilation doesn’t include any of the 59 amazing stories I’ve written for Ficly. No, I’m bigger than that. Instead, I’m going to focus on what I think is a truly tremendous —
Okay, seriously? Not even one of my stories made it in? I thought Rivalry was pretty good. That Which God Did Not Create? Cannelliare perhaps? No?
It’s because I gave on the Ficly 365 project, isn’t it? I’m sure that’s it. That has to be it. Look, I’m disappointed in myself, too. Truly I am. But I suppose it’s understandable why I was left out.
No, no, it’s fine. Really. It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. I mean, there’s literally thousands of stories on Ficly, and some pretty talented people writing them. And the selection of stories and authors contained within this book appear to be of absolutely exceptional quality. There’s no reason to complain.
Or, you know, harbor hurt feelings.
Or hold any sort of grudge.
For being left out.
Okay, enough. That joke can only go on so long. Seriously, buy a copy of the book and support the phenomenal Ficly site and it’s wonderful community of creators, please! I implore you.
Do it before I decide to start writing Ficly stories again, and all of them feature YOU in not very pleasant situations. I can do it people. We have the technology.