I finished Jennifer Government this weekend. And even though the dreaded 10-point review scale is a tool of the unintelligent and creatively bereft, I give it a 7 out of 10. Overall, it held within its pages a wonderful, intricately-woven story that had a fantastic premise, but there were a few niggling plot details and […]
Well, that was a surprise
Clinton narrowly edges out Obama in the New Hampshire primary. The race for the Democratic nomination is obviously far from over. But there are still many more contests on the horizon, and many, many more delegates to win. I wonder if Hillary’s small boost came from her experiment with emotions or from her attack dog, […]
Obama gaining more ground
Looks like my man Barack Obama is doing very well for himself in New Hampshire. Kos is predicting a win. With a resounding victory in Iowa, a follow-up in New Hampshire will put him on very solid footing for the rest of the Democratic nomination campaign cycle. And then, it’s a harsh fight against whoever […]
Head tracking with the Wii remote
This evidently made the rounds back in December, but I’ve just now caught it over at Evil Avatar. Evidently, an enterprising young engineer figured out to make a program that allows you to simulate head tracking using a Wii remote and the sensor bar in reverse order. Absolutely brilliant. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd3-eiid-Uw]
Guilty pleasure of the weekend
American Gladiators. I’m willing to bet this show earns some pretty substantial viewership ratings tonight. Nostalgia sells, and this show is such sweet, merciless, wonderful nostalgia. Production values are high, cheese factor is through the roof, and the Hulkster is aging well. There is no way this show won’t survive a full season. No way […]
2008 Resolution: same as last year
My New Year’s resolution last year was to get something submitted for publishing before December 31st. I failed at that goal. This year, my resolution is the same: I shall submit something for publishing before December 31st, 2008. However, this year, I have a couple of good options. First of all, thanks to NaNoWriMo I […]
My first caucus
I don’t usually talk about politics around Nerdflood, but now seems like a good time to start. Last night, I participated in my first ever caucus, and I have to say, I am fairly pleased with how the process works. There are some detractors who think that the Democratic party caucus process is “undemocratic”. I […]
More tubes, please
Caleb got tubes inserted into his ears this morning for the third time in his short life. Here he is just before leaving me to have some strange doctor shove pieces of plastic into his eardrums. The kid’s a trooper, I have to give him credit. He came out of the surgery fantastically, with only […]
Merry (day after) Christmas!
I’m back at work today after a truly excellent four-day weekend filled with Christmas-y goodness. I received Zack & Wiki and Super Mario Galaxy (amongst other fine consumable materials), so my gaming days are for the most part booked for a while. I’m still tossing around the idea of picking up Battalion Wars 2 since […]
A brief interruption: Child’s Play
I’m pushing aside the rest from words for a bit to remind everyone (or inform those that are completely unaware) of the Child’s Play Charity that is currently underway. I’m especially excited for this year because a new location has been added: the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital. That link takes you directly to their […]