Web You.0!

It’s all about the adketeers. The goal here is not to take control of submitted material, but to make it easy enough to submit quick, fun content that it’s not much of an inconvenience to be deprived of control of submitted material. The result is a Creative Commons-like “Attribution” license! Except with sole ownership rights […]

I want to be an analyst

They probably make good money guessing things that everybody already knows. From over at Evil Avatar, I noticed the story that some analyst has announced that PS3s are in stock, and the Wii is sold out everywhere! Really? I hadn’t noticed that. Oh, wait, yes I have. Everyone has. In fact, here’s a couple comparison […]

Progress on the zombie story

So, I’m still at it. I’ve been slaving away at an attempt to create a piece of zombie horror fiction set in 16th century England, and I have to admit, I’m really liking it so far. It isn’t painful, like I thought it would be, and the prose is actually coming along nicely. I’m roughly […]