I was all set to add the MeeboMe widget to my WordPress blog here, on Mike’s suggestion, of course. I added the widget to the template. I’ve had a Meebo account setup for my various IM apps for some time, but in getting bogged down in huge projects at work, I never even bothered to […]
alt.NPR Press Start episode 5
New alt.NPR Press Start episode up this morning: In this episode, Robert and Kyle talk to Rob Pardo, a lead designer on World of Warcraft. This is a part of our Great Games series, where we speak to the people who designed the greatest games of all time. Good stuff. If you aren’t listening to […]
Paid Netscape “Navigators” revealed
It looks like three digg users have taken Jason Calacanis’ offer and are now being paid $1000 a month to add social news content to Netscape. Top digg users BloodJunkie, DirtyFratBoy, and Wayjer have all accepted the paying gig, and quite a few notable digg users seem to have joined up on Netscape, as well, […]
New header graphic…feetsies
Man, I’m becoming Dave Winer over here. New header graphic of both Caleb and Alex’s feet that the wife took just this past June. The past handful of header images included only Caleb, so the new little one (who will be six months old in just three days) is finally sharing big brother’s spotlight. I […]
Ubisoft and Midway supporting Wii
Sounds like Ubisoft and Midway are both showing a lot of love for the Wii: While speaking on a panel at the Ziff Davis Electronic Games Summit in Napa earlier today, Ubisoft North America President Laurent Detoc revealed that his company currently has seven titles in development for Nintendo’s upcoming Wii platform. This show of […]
Camelot doesn’t actually leave Nintendo, but do we care?
Evidently, it’s really hard to translate Japanese: Update: Looks like we jumped the gun. Most sources, including Camelot’s official website, seem to indicate that the studio is merely branching out onto the PC platform with ‘I LOVE GOLF!’ A Wii RPG should still be in the works. Yeah. A Camelot RPG has been in the […]
ESA makes E3 smaller
This news is all over the place today. Evidently the ESA has gotten the message from publishers that E3 is no longer creating a working environment for having meaningly business communications in the gaming industry, so E3 2007 is being demonstrably toned down. Firing Squad has a great write-up regarding the news, interviewing several industry […]
Nintendo giving away free Wii dev-kits?
Found this via digg: A developer in a big coastal American city apparently received a mysterious package from Nintendo. Office staff, programmers, and even the president weren’t aware what was inside. The box was opened, and viola, Wii dev kit. This could be a ploy on Nintendo’s part to get as many companies working on […]
I’ll be offline for a few days while the immediate family vists extended family in other parts of the state. I’ll likely be back online by Monday, at the very latest. In th meantime, DON’T BREAK ANYTHING! =D
Wii wins big for Business Week
Articles are beginning to pop up that proclaim the bold vision Nintendo holds as a shining example of a business model that could eventually topple the Sony giant. Hearing gaming sites say that is annoying. Hearing Business Week say that is astounding: “Non-gamers are coming back because there are interesting games people want to play,” […]