My 2011 New Year’s “Opportunities”

My general thoughts on new year’s resolutions pretty closely echo those of fellow Iowan Romelle Slaughter II (sidenote: I really want to meet Romelle someday. He seems like a really interesting person /sidenote). I hate new year’s resolutions. I really do. For a long time I would create some resolutions, and then either lose interest […]

It will someday be a playhouse

My wife got it in her head a couple of weeks back to do some major backyard landscaping renovations. The centerpiece of the work would include converting our old shed into a proper playhouse for the kids. I loved the idea. I mean, who wouldn’t? We’re not using the shed for anything more than storing […]


Man, where has the time gone? In the period since my last blog post back in February, I have experienced the following (not necessarily in this order): We learned recently that my father has been diagnosed with cancer. I suppose this probably warrants more than just a bullet point on a list, but I’m trying […]

My gratuitous Ficly wish list

Now that I’ve published fifty Ficly stories, I’m a self-described, federally-licensed Ficly Veteran™ and as such, demand more, newer, and better features out of the online micro-publishing platform. After all, what else am I paying my $29.95 monthly subscription rate for, if not exceptional service? So I’ve assembled an official List of Things™ (rendered on equally-official […]