A good number of popular webcartoonists have Twitter accounts these days. I follow a small sampling of these excellent creative individuals, and happened to catch onto something marvelous that came absolutely out of nowhere today. Rene Engstrom, the Swedish creator of the comic Anders Loves Maria, posted a tweet this afternoon: Ok Twitter! I’m taking […]
Sketchflood has a new home
Instead of posting my drawings over at Comicspace, I’ve decided instead to use the sweet new photoblogging WordPress theme, Monotone. Plus, in addition to posting my crazy drawings, I’ll also be posting the periodic photo, as well. It’s a win-win! Well, for me, at least. Check it out!
Skull leaving PvP?
And just 3 months later, it happens, just as I (and likely many others) predicted. Skull appears to be preparing to leave the PvP offices for good. Now, I can tell you right now that there is no way in hell Kurtz is actually going to allow his fuzzy, silly comedic foil to simply disappear […]
Two drawings today: Iron Boy!
In celebration of the Iron Man movie out in theaters (and getting great reviews, by the way), I’ve created a couple of quick drawings for this day’s creative burst: Iron Boy loves fighting, and Iron Boy hates fighting.
New Flash drawing: Green Monster
As part of my new draw and/or write every day, I’ve created this green monster. I started off simple, but then kept adding layers and lighter shades of green, and I couldn’t stop. I think there’s about 7 different green hues on that monstrosity (appropriate term!), but I like how it turned out. I might […]
Because someone asked…
No, as much as I enjoy it, Twitter most definitely does NOT constitute “writing.” On a related note: as I ramp up my creative practices, I really need to slow down that particular practice. No offense to my fellow Twitterers, but it is irresponsibly siphoning away time that is better spent on more productive efforts.
I demand creativity from myself
It’s an adage as old as the practice of writing itself: if you want to be a good writer, you have to write every day. The same advice works for artists. I want to be a good writer. I also would love to be a good artist/designer. Let’s face it, I just want to be […]
New quick Flash drawing: Motorcycle Man
I drew this today. Not really sure why, he just popped into my head and wouldn’t go away until I entered him into my palette. I’m really wanting a Wacom these days. Until then, I make do. I might toss a few more creations into the dusty old Comicspace in the next few days, more […]
Barry Smith brings back InkTank
I missed the news when it was first announced, but caught it on ComixTalk last week: Barry Smith is sporting a return to webcomics in the form of InkTank. Back when I was first covering webcomics back in the 1998-2002 timeframe, I was good friends with a number of cartoonists that have since fallen off […]
Talk about a shake up
Scott Kurtz appears to be true to his word when he said that he was planning to shake things up in the PvP universe, and that things might not be the same when all was said and done. This must be how it begins. The way I figure it is that Skull must be some […]