Wow. I never saw this coming. It was one thing when Scott Kurtz announced that he and Kris Straub’s business-oriented “How to Make Webcomics” book was going to be written by all four of the webcomics horsemen, but now Brad Guigar and Dave Kellet have left Blank Label and joined Kris and Scott at Halfpixel […]
New webcomic posted today
I know that I “retired” from webcomickry over at Evil Avatar Comics, but I just can’t stay away. I have an itch to create poorly drawn comics, and I find that I can only do that in the relative safety of the Evil Avatar community. So, I created a new comic, called Metroid Concepts in […]
CSS elite: cover your ears
Overheard on Evil Avatar (can’t link directly to the thread because it’s in the subscribers section): Christ, I think the motto for CSS should be “maybe I should just use a table”. I would counter the man’s argument with a list of all the benefits CSS provides, if it weren’t for the fact that even […]
Church of Gaming? Are you joking?
I thought this concept was much funnier when Scott Kurtz did it back in 2001. Way to keep up with the times, Buckley. Copy much?
Goats is back!
Jon has brought back Goats, much to my delight. I will try to do my best to stay on schedule now that I’m an expert at baby wrangling. Thanks, Jon. We appreciate your dedication.
Comixpedia needs your help (possibly)
I know I don’t have the reach I used to, but any bit helps, I suppose. Xavier Xerexes over at Comixpedia is looking for someone to take over the Comixpedia webcomic encyclopedia. What it needs now, however, is enthusiastic and committed leadership dedicated to maintaining this project and helping to develop a more active community […]
Oh, the possibilities
Just an FYI, we’ve recently learned that Guitar Hero 3 won’t be working in this fashion, but it’s still very cool to see. [youtube=]
On moving forward…
Caught this tidbit from the mind (and fingers) of Jon Rosenberg: I am thinking about ramping up the pace of Goats a bit and seeing how fast I can rocket towards the conclusion. As much as I am enjoying building things up and exploring the details of the Goats multiverse I think there is only […]
Someone over at Evil Avatar is collecting developers at a location called OurXNA. The site is dedicated to discussing XNA development of Xbox LIVE Arcade games. I have no programming skills to speak of, beyond HTML, CSS, and some limited javascript, so I unfortunately can’t provide any useful services. Or can I? See the logo […]
No good will come of this…
In one corner: Dave Kellet of Sheldon. After pleasantries were exchanged, they threw down the gauntlet: Would I, they wanted to know, be cartoonist enough to accept a challenge? A week of competition between our two strips, where we’d both have to write six days of material on some everyday, innocuous, uninspiring subject matter? Say…plastic […]