Being a trombone player in high school, as well as an enormous Super Mario fan, this entertained me enormously.
Blind Date comic posted
Looks like mine and Whitney‘s Blind Date comic has been posted. You don’t have to check it out if you don’t want to, but it sure would be swell if you did.
On blind dates with school girls…
The Blind Date II event is all paired up. I was paired with the gracious and absurdly talented Whitney Jane Robinson of Alma Mater, a fantastic comic that just recently joined the ranks of the Modern Tales collective. To commemorate the event, she was interviewed by the illustrious Shaenon Garrity. It’s painful to read Robinson’s […]
R Stevens is BRILLIANT! (and Harry Slack is right)
Maybe like me you caught Scott’s post today reiterating the latest webcomics mantra of “get Diesel Sweeties in more newspapers, plz KTHXBYE!” His concern is that the syndicate will stop caring about the New Kid On The Block after a couple months and move onto more aspiring projects, like weaseling more buttons and links into […]
Origin Story: An Afterschool Special
Yay! It’s been posted! At least one of my submissions has. Which is just fine because the one Kris approved is the better of the two I submitted. I’m internet famous. (no I’m not)
EvAv Webcomics 42: THE RETURN!
After a lengthy holiday hiatus, I’ve brought back Evil Avatar Webcomics from the dead. Last week’s installment (which I forgot to link here) explains just why I haven’t had the opportunity to do much of anything recently.
Halfpixel: Origin Story
Man, this blog is becoming a World of Halfpixel alert system. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. This time, Kris has put together a new comic called Origin Story. Along with this, comes yet another comic creator. I’ve submitted my own entry into this Web You.0 venture, but it has yet to be approved. […]
I’ll get him to sing Blackbird next
This weekend my wife and I got into a crazy frenzy of cleaning and organizing the house. Anytime we do this (which is apt to occur roughly once a month), we always put some music in the stereo and crank it up to keep us motivated and give the boys something to dance to while […]
Halfpixel “Time Friends” creator
It’s pretty sad to think that Kris Straub gives his fans this awesome “Time Friends” strip creator, and all I can come up with is a pathetic poop joke.
Evil Avatar Webcomic 41: An EvAv Christmas Carol (part one)
Sit down, children. Rest your weary heads. Snuggle up next to the fireplace and let me tell you a cherished Christmas story. It’s the story of greedy bapenguin (an Evil Avatar admin) and his foul, black heart. One particularly cold Christmas, old bapenguin considered abandoning the EvAv Holiday Giveaway. That is, until he was visited […]