Kung Fu Panda versus Wall-E

Two excellent CGI movies have come out this summer, both from completely different computer animation studios. Kung Fu Panda. From Dreamworks Animation, the studio that brought us Shrek (all three of them), Shark Tale, Madagascar, Over the Hedge, and the Bee Movie. Mostly “meh” movies, some good, some not. Kung Fu Panda featured the voices […]

Weather is great for sitting inside and watching Nova

I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned this here on the blog before, but all of us in my family are guilty of being Nova-philes. We gather together every Tuesday evening to watch interesting stories about exploding stars, or volcanic eruptions, or Mayan culture, or melting icebergs. It’s fascinating, and what really makes me smile is […]

Guilty pleasure of the weekend

American Gladiators. I’m willing to bet this show earns some pretty substantial viewership ratings tonight. Nostalgia sells, and this show is such sweet, merciless, wonderful nostalgia. Production values are high, cheese factor is through the roof, and the Hulkster is aging well. There is no way this show won’t survive a full season. No way […]