I still don’t like resolutions. I never really have, but it’s only been the past couple of years where I’ve actively campaigned against the concept in general. Regardless, here’s some things (just a random collection, odd assortment, kind of things – nothing official, really) that I hope to focus on in the coming year. My art […]
From 2012 to 2013
Yeah, I’m doing that whole looking back at the year behind us, and looking forward to the year ahead sort of thing today. Bear with me, I haven’t written a blog post in several months. I’m a bit rusty. All in all, 2012 was a pretty good year for us. It was the year my […]
Last week, around Thursday, I was sick. It was a pretty far gone kind of sick, too. The kind that hits you really hard early on with a pillowcase full of Sick Bricks™ which basically just lays you out flat for the rest of the day. So, laid up in bed (with unfortunate periodic trips […]
I just got an email a little while ago letting me know that I was one of the winners of this ebook contest over on Tor.com. Which is pretty awesome, I’ll admit. Between this and being a finalist in the Redshirts art contest, I think I’m starting to have a little love affair with Tor […]
I just bought my very first Apple product. I feel dirty.
Now, just to clarify, I’m no Apple hater. I don’t have the trademark intensely-burning dislike towards the company that my fellow Windows and/or Android-centric acolytes seem to share. But I’m not a fan of their closed nature, and I promised myself long ago that anytime I was given the option, I would always work to […]
Help me name my new car! So, earlier this week, I went and bought me a car. It’s a shiny red 2010 Chevy Aveo, and it’s a pretty little thing. Exactly what I was looking for: reliable, fuel-efficient, small, and affordable. The perfect little commuter car for the 400+ minutes I spend on the highway […]
Two more of my domains going away
Just shut off auto-renew on two more domains of mine that are coming up for renewal within the next couple of months: nerdflood.com and nerdshelf.com. The slash-and-burn clearing of my internet house continues. And the dude abides.
An addendum: RE: itsdangeroustogoalone.com
In my haste to inform people that yes, I no longer own itsdangeroustogoalone.com, and yes, I’m aware it’s now controlled by a spammer WHY DOES THAT SURPRISE YOU, I completely forgot that I still control the Feedburner feed for the URL, which is apparently still subscribed to by roughly 40 people. So, I redirected the […]
Just a reminder: itsdangeroustogoalone.com no longer belongs to me
To any of my friends who still have a link to the former Nintendo gaming Tumblr blog, It’s Dangerous to Go Alone, which was formerly housed at the URL itsdangeroustogoalone.com (I’m looking at you, Jenn), or any of you that may have that site in their RSS feed reader, just a fair warning that the […]
Things for 2012 That Sound Suspiciously Like Resolutions, but Totally Aren’t, so Try Not to Get Confused
NOT resolutions. Really. They’re numbered, but they’re not necessarily in any particular order, so I guess I could have just not numbered them, but then it would have been harder for me to figure out how many I had written. Onward and upward. 1. One new creative project every week, either artwork of some sort(illustration, […]