Now I know how my wife feels

There’s probably a bit more detail to go into than to just simply say I’m cleaning house on side-projects. There’s more to it than that. I’ve recently discovered that I have high blood pressure. My doctor has been monitoring my stats over the past few weeks, and it hasn’t dropped below 130/90 (normal pressure is […]

Cleaning house

Maybe “cleaning house” isn’t the right term. Streamlining? Attempting to be more efficient with my free time? Making myself “scalable”? Well, whatever terminology could be used to describe it, the fact of the matter is I’m cutting away some side-projects. I’ve realized recently that I spend a lot of time doing things that I no […]

September is shaping up to be BUSY

Busy at work, busy at home, just no time to do much more than constantly refresh Flock to catch more Nintendo Wii announcements. But beyond that, well, much, much more. For instance, did you know that we’re celebrating Caleb’s fourth birthday this Saturday? Of course you didn’t. But we are! And we also have the […]