If it’s even remotely possible, I believe that Alex gets cuter as he gets older. He’s just now hit 10 months, as of yesterday, and the kid is simply damned adorable. And yes, I’m biased. But I really don’t care. The wife took great photos of Caleb and Alex having bathtime together the other day. […]
Democrats take the House and (maybe) the Senate
The jury is still out on the Senate (we’re hoping to pickup Webb in VA after a vicious recount there), but we can easily and happily claim the House and place Nancy Pelosi as Speaker–and third in line for the presidency, I might add–starting this coming January. Along with that, we kept a Democrat as […]
New header graphic
I’m the large geek boy-in-man’s-body on the left. The guy on the right is an immensely wonderful friend of mine who spent two years in the Middle East serving as a missionary with his wife. I truly, truly enjoy having fellow nerds as friends. Have a good weekend. =D
That explains the traffic boost today…
I read the post on TechCrush where Lutz Winter mentioned that the site has gotten through its alleged legal hurdles and is back online. Only it didn’t occur to me until just a moment ago that he linked Nerdflood in the post. It was a good experience after all, as quite some people expressed what […]
Sex offender registry with point and laugh conviction
Don’t know what gift to get for that special person in your life this Christmas? How about adding them to the sex offender registration in Ohio? It’s easy! A recently enacted law allows county prosecutors, the state attorney general, or, as a last resort, alleged victims to ask judges to civilly declare someone to be […]
I guess it’s official
Them’s fightin’ words, Warren! Not that I’m about to disagree with him. Ever. I will fight anyone who tells me that Pluto is not a planet.
New header graphic…drinking water
We got the chance last month to check out a huge popular park in Des Moines. All of us spent the afternoon there with the wife’s father and stepmother. It was July in Iowa, which means it was hot. Very hot. Caleb drank lot of water. The rest of sat in a lot of shade. […]
New header graphic…feetsies
Man, I’m becoming Dave Winer over here. New header graphic of both Caleb and Alex’s feet that the wife took just this past June. The past handful of header images included only Caleb, so the new little one (who will be six months old in just three days) is finally sharing big brother’s spotlight. I […]
I’ll be offline for a few days while the immediate family vists extended family in other parts of the state. I’ll likely be back online by Monday, at the very latest. In th meantime, DON’T BREAK ANYTHING! =D
You need bombs for world peace, right?
Link: Physorg.com The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the San Francisco Bay area and the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico are competing to design America’s first new nuclear bomb in two decades. You know, I was just thinking the other day that we really needed a new nuclear weapon design. Critics say the […]