I haven’t crafted a drawing or written much fiction lately. Instead, I’ve been working on another creative endeavor: Minific. Minific physically is nothing more than a pretty front-end for the Twitter tweme #minific. Conceptually, it’s much more. It’s a store house for bursts of creative insight. A repository for a flash of fiction. An ever-changing, […]
One more reason to like Twitter more than Pownce
The way FriendFeed handles Pownce entries. I caught a tweet in FriendFeed that Jeremy Brooks cross-posted to Pownce. Note that there is a URL in the tweet. In the Twitter tweet, the text is plain, and the link is clickable. In the Pownce post, the entire text is clickable, but links back to the Pownce […]
The Des Moines Register is checking out the future (or at the very least, the very recent past)
I’ve been hooking up with lots of local Twitter-ers lately (pretty much all of them can be found here), one of which was the Twitter account for the Des Moines Register. I unfollowed this account when, after just an hour or so, it became apparent that it is nothing more than an automated bot distributing […]
Using Twhirl – so far, so good
So, I’ve moved from TwitterFox back to an Adobe AIR app for my Twittering. This time, it isn’t Snitter – I’m now using Twhirl. So far the experience is pleasant. The interface is easy to use and understand, and it runs fast and doesn’t eat up too many CPU cycles (more of an effect of […]
Okay, so the Twitter habit is hard to break
I guess that Twitter can still be useful in some areas. For instance, without Twitter, I wouldn’t have known that Chris Pirillo and his wife are planning to make an appearance in Des Moines at the beginning of May. I also might have missed this wonderful tweet from R Stevens: Trader Joe, I like the […]
Twittering away
This comic from Hugh MacLeod has been making the rounds since yesterday. It’s very telling because it accurately portrays the movement of communication amongst techies on the internet away from blogging and towards the Twitter microblogging microcosm. I’ve seen it myself. If you look back at my archives for February and March, and especially April, […]
This complaint is going to be in regards to Twitterfox, a Twitter integration tool that is a Firefox extension – but it can apply to any of the number of Twitter tools out there. I installed the tool yesterday and immediately fell in love. My biggest problem with keeping up with Twitter conversations is that […]
Propeller kind of sucks
I started using Propeller about a week ago as a Digg alternative. My goal was to find a place that gave me the same functionality as Digg, but maybe offered more topical variety, gave a platform to undiscovered stories, and maybe even included a better interface for activity. What I found at Propeller was the […]
Head tracking with the Wii remote
This evidently made the rounds back in December, but I’ve just now caught it over at Evil Avatar. Evidently, an enterprising young engineer figured out to make a program that allows you to simulate head tracking using a Wii remote and the sensor bar in reverse order. Absolutely brilliant. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd3-eiid-Uw]