Evidently I didn’t miss the boat on Bordee. It’s only recently launched and is getting noticed. I’ve been playing around with it, and there’s something magnificent that I’ve discovered. I went to the Bordee homepage and looked around at the Bordee topics posted there. I wandered into one post about a new Weebl’s flash. Someone […]
TechCrush a non-issue, move along, please, move along…
Hey, did you hear that there’s actually no legal action attempting to derail TechCrush before they have even had a chance to get some content out. It’s true! Apparently, Mike Arrington did NOT send out some vitrolic cease and desist letter. It was more like a nice, professional email suggesting that TechCrush might be infringing […]
Evidently we DON’T need an anti-Techcrunch
Or at least, someone seems to think we don’t: We put down our pencils here at the Crush-Room for the next days due to possible legal issues. Please stay with us, we will see how things are going to work out. Let’s hope it does all work out, because I was actually looking forward to […]
Do we need an anti-Techcrunch?
Evidently some people think so. TechCrush is a new site that takes a look at web 2.0 startups 6 months and 1 year after launch to see how the service has evolved–or devolved, as the case may be. From Stowe Boyd: Perhaps we need a dark doppelganger to TechCrunch — a TechMunch — a blog […]
Using Listal as a media catalogue
A question I asked on Evil Avatar regarding a quality online game collection/wishlist database led to a comment that sparked a mass exodus of forum-goers to Listal for storing online listings of media collections and wishlists. It was at once strange and exhilarating to witness so many users immediately and unapologetically flock to a web […]
Social software: the Obi-Wan Kenobi of the web
There’s a conversation going on right now regarding social software and its usefulness and, to some extent, its perceived longevity. Ryan Carson really started the discussion by detailing why he doesn’t use any web-based social software, and why he doesn’t expect the concept to truly take off and transform into more viable public-use services. But […]
Introducing the Nerdblog Network!
We’re all nerds, or at least to some extent. I’ve begun to collect a few nerds at a happy location called the Nerdblog Network! I’ll speak periodically about this wonderful project, but for now, I’ll let the initial post on the new site speak for itself.
Interview with Wii browser developers
The good folks over at Nintendo Life had the opportunity to get the development team of Opera for the Nintendo Wii console to spill a few details about the upcoming browser software. Will Opera for Wii support tabbed browsing and bookmarks? And will we be able to have personalised bookmarks, so that each family member […]
I can’t get recognition for my blogging! Oh, NOES!
The conversation on the blogosphere regarding this apparent blockage from “upper-tier” bloggers somehow keeping lower-scale bloggers from reaching the heights of power and fame is absolutely ridiculous. Mike Arrington and Jason Calacanis (of all people) are making the most sense of the discussion. From Crunchnotes: It’s not so much about how one blog can rise […]