TechCrush a non-issue, move along, please, move along…

Hey, did you hear that there’s actually no legal action attempting to derail TechCrush before they have even had a chance to get some content out. It’s true! Apparently, Mike Arrington did NOT send out some vitrolic cease and desist letter. It was more like a nice, professional email suggesting that TechCrush might be infringing […]

Social software: the Obi-Wan Kenobi of the web

There’s a conversation going on right now regarding social software and its usefulness and, to some extent, its perceived longevity. Ryan Carson really started the discussion by detailing why he doesn’t use any web-based social software, and why he doesn’t expect the concept to truly take off and transform into more viable public-use services. But […]

I can’t get recognition for my blogging! Oh, NOES!

The conversation on the blogosphere regarding this apparent blockage from “upper-tier” bloggers somehow keeping lower-scale bloggers from reaching the heights of power and fame is absolutely ridiculous. Mike Arrington and Jason Calacanis (of all people) are making the most sense of the discussion. From Crunchnotes: It’s not so much about how one blog can rise […]