Link: City of Heroes
Well, it's out now. Issue 7 of CoH/CoV is now available. Unfortunately, this issue largely caters to the villainous side of the game.
Grandville (Levels 40-50, PVE, COV only) – A vertical zone, Grandville contains Spider City, the capital of Arachnos™, where players encounter mutated Arachnoids and a huge new cast of characters including Lord Recluse™ himself!
Recluse’s Victory (Levels 40-50, PVP, COV and COH) – Recluse’s Victory represents the villains’ assault on Paragon City™. Heroes and villains battle for control points, use heavy artillery to their advantage, and watch the zone change dynamically as a result of their efforts.
I deactivated my subscription to CoH a few months ago. I care nothing for villains, so when they decide to finally get back to caring about heroes, I might just pick it back up again. There's a rumor floating around–just a rumor, mind you–that issue 8 may contain the coveted trenchcoats everyone has been asking for. So, I may end up waiting until after issue 9 to get back into the game, once everyone has exhausted every possible spelling of Neo after that one hits.