I know I don’t have the reach I used to, but any bit helps, I suppose.
Xavier Xerexes over at Comixpedia is looking for someone to take over the Comixpedia webcomic encyclopedia.
What it needs now, however, is enthusiastic and committed leadership dedicated to maintaining this project and helping to develop a more active community around it. After thinking about it a lot this year I know I’m not the person to do that. Realistically, I don’t have the time for it (I struggle to carve out just the time spent here at comixpedia.com).
So I’m in need of a plan for the future of the webcomic wiki. A future without my direct involvement. What I’m potentially offering to a person or an entity is my assistance in transferring the backend of the current site to a new host, the url comixpedia.org and/or the name Comixpedia.
Xavier is really looking not just for someone to take over hosting of the site, but also to help build an active community that cares for and guides the construction and legitimization of the Comixpedia encyclopedia.
If you are in any position to help, please go over to Comixpedia and contact Xavier directly.