Fellow Nerdblog Network member, bapenguin, has a vicious rant posted on Evil Avatar today, mercilessly attacking publishers (read: Electronic Arts) for their feeble attempts at passing minimal or non-existent “upgrades” as “next-generation content”:
One of the hottest topics with next-gen games right now is the price. $59.99 sucks. But what sucks worse is when games are $59.99 and you get LESS than the current gen counterparts. And the current gen games are typically $10-$20 cheaper to boot. The biggest offenders of this by far are the sports games. FIFA was just revealed to have about 30% of the content of the current gen AND handheld versions.
This is a fantastic and heartfelt rant. Digg it here. Too bad EA and Take Two own their own respective licenses (NFL and basebal) so they can do whatever they want with their games and not face competition. The collective voices of angry gamers should be loud enough to stave off the greedy fingers of high-profile publishers who think they can get away with stuff like this.