Does Netscape’s death foretell Mahalo’s impending doom?

So, the Netscape homepage digg clone is finally being killed off. Well, to be honest, the way it sounds, it isn’t being “killed”, per se. Evidently the users like the concept of social news, they just want it off their Netscape homepage. It might be moved elsewhere within the AOL network, but Riley sounds skeptical that that will actually occur.

It’s a huge misinterpretation to claim that the “death” of the Netscape homepage speaks ill of Mahalo, but it warrants discussion. Netscape was huge news when Jason Calacanis helmed the site, and it was his motivations and constant conversations regarding the site that basically kept the concept moving. Once he left, the rumors of dissolving the site began, and obviously will soon be coming to fruition.

Right now, Calacanis is heading up Mahalo. So, when he finally leaves that project behind and in someone else’s capable hands, what will become of it six months down the road? A year? Will a thin-ice concept like Mahalo continue to find traction within even a niche community if Calacanis isn’t there to cram the idea down everyone’s throats?

It really depends on who he puts in his place. The person who replaces him needs to be a motivator. A prognosticator. A person who is loud and can convince people to try something wacky, even if it doesn’t sound like a good concept at first. When he leaves Mahalo–and don’t even for a second think he won’t someday–he needs to leave behind a mini-Calacanis in his place.

Can this world handle a Calacanis and a mini-Calacanis? I submit to you that it can.

But I still don’t care for Mahalo.