This is probably for the best, seeing as how I gave away all my 3rd edition D&D materials to Ziggurat Con.
A more generous reading would cite all the extracurricular work that Wizards is putting into community building for D&D. Launching alongside the new edition of the rules is what the company is calling D&D Insider, a suite of web tools aimed at easing some of the more time-consuming involved in setting up a campaign. D&D Insider will feature character and campaign-building tools, as well as a “virtual tabletop” that will enable players and game masters to congregate remotely. In tandem with its for-gamers social networking site Gleemax, it seems that Wizards is putting forth an admirable effort toward making D&D play better with the internets.
In all honesty, an update would be fantastic at this point. Creating a new set of rules that coincide with a realistic implementation of web-based assistance tools and automated configuration utilities would be an amazing stroke of genius that Wizards should have figured out for the 3rd edition launch. I’m glad they’re catching up, though, and I’m excited to see it expand onto a serious internet effort.