Well, it’s only been a week, but it’s been a successful one! In conjunction with my new goals for 2010, I’ve created a new Ficly story so far for each of the 7 days of January. It’s been a great experience so far. I feel like I’ve been stretching some muscles I haven’t had a chance to stretch in a long time. I’ve also made a few new friends on Ficly, which is great. The site has a fantastic, involved community that I haven’t really had a chance to tap into yet. Hopefully this challenge will allow me to get to know some great fellow writers and have some fun sharing a great hobby.
I’ve also got some fellow writers that have joined in the challenge! Fellow Colonist Jeffool has been writing stories right alongside me, though he has been momentarily sidelined by a wisdom tooth extraction. To him I say: LOSER! I wrote my very first Ficly365 story the day after I got all four of my wisdom teeth removed! But I digress. Just today I learned that someone else has also joined the fun. He’s a little late to the party, but he’s working to get caught up. It will be entertaining to do this with others and compare notes on the whole process.
I’ve got an 8th story waiting in the wings for today, but unfortunately I’m going to be largely offline for the next couple of days, visiting family. Ficly stories will still be written! I promise. But they won’t get posted online until sometime late on Sunday.
Remember: if you want to check in on how I’m fairing, you can visit my Ficly profile, my Ficly page right here on the blog, or follow everyone’s combined progress using the Twitter tag #Ficly365. Enjoy!
7 down, 358 more to go! Here’s hoping your 365 project is also doing well.